Coming Soon…

Whittney will be crafting the first post, so stay tuned!

inagural post image

7 Responses to “Coming Soon…”

  1. Adam Says:

    Hey guys- excited to see what’s in store!

  2. Katie Says:

    We are still waiting!!! 🙂

  3. Brett Says:

    Hurry up.

  4. kayLynn Says:

    Happy Halloween!

  5. Gramma C Says:

    I was so excited to hear about your website – cute pictures. Check out mine at

  6. Lauren Cahoon Says:

    I am getting impatient guys!!!! HURRY!! =) I love you!

  7. brett Says:

    Well everyone, seeing as how this blog with no posts has netted more comments than my blog with 3 years of posts ever did, i think we might as well wait a few more weeks.

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