Because Tyler Briggs is demanding

I am working on a research project and would love if you could take two minutes and answer a quick 10-question survey.

By the way, I will let you know that Brett has been working on a post for almost two months now and it’s still not finished.  Point your fingers his direction.

7 Responses to “Because Tyler Briggs is demanding”

  1. Tyler and Maryann Says:

    What a terrible post! Had to be one of the worst I’ve seen. I mean, think about it “Thanks for coming to my blog…since you’re here please take my lame survey…”
    You didn’t even take the time to hyperlink your link. Just cut and paste?? Are we still in 2006? Apparently.

  2. Brett Says:

    Man, Whittney’s right. You are demanding.

  3. brett Says:

    Oh- and kind of whiny, too.

  4. Tyler Says:

    You’re right. I am kinda whiny. I just have high expectations for you guys…being the creatives that you are.
    My apologies for being too harsh.

  5. source Says:

    When I start your Rss feed it seems to be a ton of nonsense, is the problem on my part?

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